With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s time to show your joints some love! While most of us tend to have a love-hate relationship when it comes to our joints, the more love and care you show them, the less pain and the more love you’ll get back.
And you likely know exactly what we’re talking about. You love what your joints allow you to do. You can move - and maybe even play with your kids. Yet, there’s a price you pay. The next day or hours later, your joints are stiff. Every time you go to stand up, you face varying degrees of discomfort. What gives? And what can you do about it?
In this article, we’ll dive into four ways you can keep your joints healthy and how you can show each joint a little more love.
Your joints take a beating each and every day you’re alive. With time, your joints become worn down. This happens naturally. Yet, it tends to happen faster for those who are overweight or obese. This is because this excess weight places additional stress and pressure on your joints, especially the knees and hips.
As we age, we also naturally lose muscle mass. By maintaining a healthy weight and actively working toward maintaining muscle mass, specifically around your joints for support, you can lessen any joint pain and move with more ease. Weight gain does not have to be a natural consequence of age. You can control it through your actions.
Unfortunately, diet is an aspect that is frequently neglected, especially in regards to one’s joints. Yet, an abundance of pre-packaged and processed food items can quickly lead to widespread inflammation in the body and health and pain issues. By eating more whole foods and making meals at home, you can reduce inflammation within your body.
Further, you’ll want to focus on including a variety of nutrients in your diet. Calcium and vitamin D, in particular, support healthy bones. Calcium can be found in a wide variety of dairy products. Meanwhile, vitamin D is best obtained from the good ol’ sun!
Protein is another nutrient you’ll want to pay close attention to. Many individuals do not eat enough protein. Yet, protein is the building block of the body. It contributes to the regeneration of various tissues, including muscle tissue which supports your joints and skeletal system.
Physical exercise is necessary for a healthy body and mind. Ensure you are getting regular physical activity, such as 30 minutes of walking each day. This can reduce joint stiffness and pain. Strength training is also another great way to support your joints. This type of exercise builds muscle and contributes to joint stability and movement.
Lastly, you should avoid high- impact activities, like running or jumping, to protect your joints, especially if you experience pain on a regular basis.
This last one might only apply to a select few of you. Smoking not only is detrimental to your overall health and wellness but also increases your risk of osteoporosis, bone fractures, bursitis, tendonitis, and arthritis. By quitting smoking, you can improve your joint health and your overall well-being.
So, what can you do to keep your joints in tip-top shape? Here are a few simple exercises you can do for each joint to show it some love.
Shoulder impingement is a common injury that many individuals face. Sometimes, this injury can also lead to a frozen shoulder - where your joint literally becomes frozen in place. This easy exercise can help alleviate impingement and improve the mobility of your shoulder joint.
If you sit all day long, it’s likely you have tight and shortened hip flexors. This can lead to loads of problems, such as low back pain, muscle strains, and hip pain. Stretching these muscles can help!
The hamstrings are a common muscle that becomes tight around the knee. In fact, the hamstrings are responsible for you being able to bend your knee back toward your buttocks in the first place. So, let’s try stretching this one out.
Do you type at a computer all day? Let’s show your wrists a little love. Try this stretch on for size.
Remember, the more you love and care for your joints, the less pain you’ll experience! So, take some time and take care of your joints. They get you through a lot in life and they 100% deserve some attention.